Make an Exceptional Community Even Better

ClarkLindsey Village owes its beginnings to generous gifts from Ethel Clark and Maud Lindsey. These visionary women set the foundation for this impressive retirement community with separate bequests. ClarkLindsey’s reputation as a premier retirement community continues today, as does the tradition of contributions from residents and friends. These gifts enhance the quality of life for residents today, as well as set the foundation for secure and comfortable living for generations to come.

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Securing Our Homes

ClarkLindsey is a nonprofit organization, which allows us to exemplify our mission statement. Our goal is to support our core value of having a meaningful life for older adults through our multi-dimensional programs that nurture the mind, body and spirit. With generous support from our donors, we also offer residents the assurance of knowing they have lifelong access to living arrangements and services should they outlive their financial resources.

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Enhancing Our Experiences 

Tax-deductible gifts from donors support our amenities, programs and services. They also contribute to expansion, allowing us to grow to meet the needs of our current and future residents, as well as support the needs of the Champaign County area.

ClarkLindsey has been serving the local community for decades, and this passion is shared by our employees and residents, who participate in and lead programs that allow our organization to give back to those in need.

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Share a Gift with ClarkLindsey

If you would like to contribute, give a memorial gift, or learn more about the legacy program at ClarkLindsey, there are several ways to do it. Click on the “Donate” button below or call 217-344-2144 and ask for the Fund Development office, or email us at